5 semne ca NU ai un mod de gandire pe abundenta si 5 solutii pentru a-l dobandi

May 25, 2021

Cum iti dai seama daca NU ai un mod de gandire care este axat pe abundenta?


Spune-mi daca ti se par cunoscute aceste afirmatii:

“Cine sunt eu ca sa cer XRON pentru serviciile mele?”

“De ce m-ar plati cineva cu XRON pentru ceea ce livrez?”

“Pai pentru o suma atat de mare ca XRON ar trebui sa muncesc non stop si tot nu as ajunge acolo.”


Aud aceste lucruri sau versiuni ale acestora de la clientii cu care fac coaching 1 to 1 dar si de la cursantii mei. Ma doare sa ii aud, dar in acelasi timp ii si inteleg.


Ii inteleg pentru ca am fost si eu acolo, la fel ca ei, ca tine, am avut si eu o gramada de credinte limitative peste care a trebuit sa trec si nu mi-a fost usor la inceput.


 Acum imi doresc sa te ajut si pe tine mai intai sa descoperi si sa accepti ca modul in care gandesti acum nu iti va aduce abundenta, ci din contra, te va tine pe loc si va pune o bariera intre tine si PROSPERITATE.


Asadar care sunt...

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5 Semne ca ti-ai pierdut Starea de Echilibru in timpul pandemiei si 5 Solutii pentru a-l Redobandi

Apr 19, 2021
In vremurile noastre toata lumea are un program foarte incarcat. (Pot sa o mai spun o data, asa-i ?
Ai tot felul de responsabilitati, lucruri si oameni carora trebuie sa le dedici timpul si sa le oferi atentia ta in fiecare zi.
‍ De parca nu erau destule de jonglat (arta de a fi parinte, sarcinile zilnice, socializare, responsabilitatile de la serviciu) pandemia a alterat modul in care ne traim vietile, si a adaugat si mai mult stres decat am crezut ca putem suporta.
Faptul ca a trebuit sa ne "descurcam" cu scoala online (si tot ce implica aceasta schimbare pentru copiii nostri), lucrul de acasa, distantarea sociala, grija pentru parinti, bunici, membrii ai familiei (fizica dar si psihica pentru ca stam cu gandul la ei si ne ingrijoram tot timpul), tot acest freamat interior, aceasta neliniste, nesiguranta, si necunoscut, adauga la stresul pe care il resimtim.
Asa cum multi dintre noi stim, totul in viata vine cu plusuri si cu minusuri. In timp...
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5 Pasi Simpli si Concreti spre Manifestarea tuturor Dorintelor

Apr 02, 2021

Stii ca sunt un avocat al indeplinirii obiectivelor pe care le avem, vreau sa iti impartasesc astazi cateva metode simple prin care poti sa faci in asa fel incat dorintele tale sa devina realitate.


Noi toti avem visuri, dorinte, obiective si idei/planuri despre ceea ce dorim sa obtinem in viata. Indiferent ce inseamna pentru tine "o viata perfecta", totul incepe cu un vis, o idee, o viziune.


Este foarte bine sa ai dorinte, obiective si sa visezi la ele cu ochii deschisi, insa daca tot ceea ce faci in privinta asta este sa visezi, nu o sa le transformi niciodata in realitate.


Este nevoie sa si actionezi, sa faci pasi in directia visului tau. Nu poti doar sa visezi, sa iti doresti si apoi sa nu faci nimic si sa astepti ca lucrurile "sa iti cada din cer".


Stii vorba aia pe care o auzeam mereu in copilarie din gurile parintilor, bunicilor, si a profesorilor nostri: "Dumnezeu iti da, dar nu iti baga si-n traista".


Daca iti doresti cu adevarat sa iti...

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4 Obstacole peste care trebuie sa treci in drumul spre Prosperitate

Aug 13, 2020

Ce inseamna prosperitatea pentru tine? Sa-ti permiti obiecte de lux si haine de designer? Sa iti cumperi casa visurilor tale si sa o decorezi asa cum vrei? Sa poti alege destinatii exotice pentru vacantele cu familia?


Indiferent de raspunsul la care te gandesti, un lucru este cert: Nu vei putea obtine aceasta prosperitate fara sa-ti schimbi mentalitatea si relatia cu banii.


Spun asta pentru ca inca de mici, ni s-au imprimat diverse credinte gresite si comportamente eronate in ceea ce priveste partea financiara. Chiar daca ai crescut intr-o familie cu posibilitati mai reduse sau in una instarita, cu siguranta ai auzit replici de genul “Banii nu cresc in copaci”, “Ban la ban trage”, “Banii nu aduc fericirea”.


Parintii nostri nu au facut-o intentionat, dar acestea erau unele din mantrele societatii in care traiau si automat le-au transmis mai departe. Le-ai auzit in nenumarate randuri, le-ai spus si tu (cand suntem mici,...

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3 motive pentru care nu ai incredere in tine

Jun 23, 2020


Iti mai amintesti care a fost ultimul lucru pe care l-ai facut actionand cu incredere în tine si in reusita actiunilor tale, fara sa astepti confirmarea altcuiva ca este bine ceea ce faci? Cand ai facut ultima oara ceva pentru tine, ca sa iti cresti stima de sine? Poate un rasfat la SPA sau la coafor, ori sa iti cumperi rochia aceea pe langa care treci mereu si o admiri, dar nu te opresti niciodata sa o probezi.


  Vezi tu, toate aceste momente in care tu te ignori pe tine, in care iti ignori dorintele si iti negi mici placeri care ti-ar aduce bucurie, nu fac altceva decat sa iti aduca stima de sine la un nivel minim. 


  Iar principala urmare a acestei renegari personale este tocmai lipsa increderii in sine, a increderii ca vei face fata provocarilor, ca esti capabila sa actionezi pentru tine si in directia visurilor tale, fara sa ai nevoie de ghidare permanenta. 


  Problema neincrederii in sine este destul de raspandita si...

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Start invest small amounts of money 

Apr 30, 2019

[2 - minute reading]
 Every so often you open up the newspaper or see an article online about a janitor, seamstress or shoe cobbler who retires at the age of 59 and it turns out that they are a millionaire.
The question always comes up “How did somebody with such a low income turn out to be a millionaire?” 
The answer usually goes something like this. 
 They automatically invested small amounts of money in a savings account and were not embarrassed to go to a stock broker and invest small amounts. 
 Over time those investments grew and they became more savvy but kept on working while letting their money grow and work for them.
 These people were “staking success”, that is building one small success on another. 
In fact, there is new research to show that this is a scientifically proven way of creating success. 
Small wins are so important psychologically. You see, we have these things in our brain called dopamine...

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The POWER of ALIGNED COUPLES when it comes to finance.

Apr 30, 2019

[2-minute reading]

 Have you ever been to a picnic where you did the 3 legged-race? 
 For those of you who don’t know that is when two people have their adjoining legs tied to each other so instead of the pair having four legs they have “3 legs” and have to work together to race against other pairs of people who also have their legs joined together.
 Well, if you have ever have been in a three-legged race or watched one then you know the secret to winning is to work together with your partner. 
 And that is exactly the same secret it takes for couples to have financial success-you must be aligned with your partner when it comes to finance
 It is sad to say but the #1 reason for divorce is over finances. 
Poor people divorce, rich people divorce so it is not a matter of how much money they had it is about being on the same page and working together.

 You have seen it with couples who have low to modest income where one...

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How to earn more in the next month

Apr 30, 2019

[2-minute reading]

I am going to give you practical steps you can take TODAY to create more money in the next month.

 Now before your heart skips a beat, this is NOT about get rich quick schemes.
 We are not promising you will fire your boss in 30 days but we have taught others these principles and have seen immediate results.

#1  Set financial goals in the present tense

Instead of saying I want to make $20,000 a month and retire by age 55. State to yourself. I am on my way to making $20,000 and I will keep on making that amount or more until I retire at age 55.
Take a look at what it would take to make that amount of money and have the mentality that you WILL make that money.
Even though you are not making it this very moment act as though you are making it now because your mind

#2  Use SMART Goals
Smart goals are ones that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound.
Creating SMART goals keeps you on track.
We won’t go into the...

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Ducks & iceberg & money 🎁

Apr 24, 2019
How can knowing about ducks and icebergs make you money?
In the next few phrases you will find out the reason ducks and icebergs make millionaires.
Have you ever been to a lake or a pond and watch ducks floating by?
Have you ever been to a country and seen just how massively big icebergs are?
Well, here is the thing they have in common.
There is a lot going on beneath the surface of the water.
A duck that is gliding along the water underneath the surface is paddling their webbed feet like a small engine.
An iceberg above water is as much as 200% smaller than what is below the water.
In fact, experienced boaters know that if you see an iceberg that they need to keep away a good distance because what they can’t see underneath is the rest of the iceberg that can cause serious damage.
Money is just the tip of the iceberg there is so much more work underneath.
Money is just a way of keeping score of the results of all the hard work that has been...
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How to raise successful money mindset kids 

Apr 22, 2019

[2 minutes reading] 

If you have children then you work hard to create a future for them. 
So, what is the best way to give them what they need today and a better tomorrow?

Love, time and teaching of values. 
You are going to find out how you can give all 3 by teaching them about money.

Teaching your child about money should be a lifelong process. 
Your child has something to learn about money at each stage of their life. 

Take the time out of your busy schedule to teach them about money. 
It doesn’t have to be a boring topic and you will be teaching them not only the value of a dollar but that you care about their future.
 Use a clear jar as their “piggy bank”. When they put change, allowance, or gift money into a jar, they can visually see the money grow in front of them. 
It is a clear visual. 
 Most children are inclined to spend any money they have in their hands, but when they can see that a little here and a little...

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