How to raise successful money mindset kids 

Apr 22, 2019

[2 minutes reading] 
If you have children then you work hard to create a future for them. 
So, what is the best way to give them what they need today and a better tomorrow?
Love, time and teaching of values. 
You are going to find out how you can give all 3 by teaching them about money.
Teaching your child about money should be a lifelong process. 
Your child has something to learn about money at each stage of their life. 

Take the time out of your busy schedule to teach them about money. 
It doesn’t have to be a boring topic and you will be teaching them not only the value of a dollar but that you care about their future.
🐷 Use a clear jar as their “piggy bank”. When they put change, allowance, or gift money into a jar, they can visually see the money grow in front of them. 
It is a clear visual. 
🚸 Most children are inclined to spend any money they have in their hands, but when they can see that a little here and a little there can add up quickly it is a great lesson and motivator.
👩‍💻 Children need to learn that money is earned. Even a small allowance for doing household tasks teaches them a lesson. 
👩Believe it or not you can start teaching them as young as toddler-age.

🚂 When it is time to clean up toys, for example, after they pick up after themselves give them a coin and explain that when they “work” they earn something. 
Of course, you would put the coin in the piggy bank but over time they can take the money they have earned and buy something that they want.
We live in a technological age.

💻 There are apps that can capture a child’s attention. 
📱 You can sit down with your child and go through the app once you have installed it on their phone (if they have one) or on yours and let the app do the explaining for you.

🏵 Here again, you are sitting down, giving time, teaching values and showing love while they learn how to manage money.

🎲 How about this? Find a board game and make family night a game night. 
There are numerous board games that show how money works.

💵 You get some time together plus your child (and even you) can continue to learn.
Go to good old YouTube and you will find all kinds of videos that teach children about money.

📹 Most of them are short o keep their attention span and just like how we are giving you powerful nuggets of information in our quick 3 minute or less videos these money videos for kids are pure gold!

⭐️ If you don’t teach your children about money and how to manage it they will learn it, the hard way, from somewhere else.

🎁 Learning about money can be fun and a good way for them to learn while keeping yourself on track financially. It’s good for them, good for you and your future.

🧠 For more powerful but easy to implement money strategies, get ready for our next articles.
We love creating financially free people and we think you are going to really like what we share with you next.


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